What makes a good neighborhood?
Deep Thoughts

What makes a good neighborhood?

February 22, 2022
Leilani M. Brown

Many years ago, while attending a dinner with good friends, a guest very casually referred to Laurelton, Queens in a derogatory way. Unfortunately, they did so without knowing that not only did I grow up in the southeast Queens neighborhood, but that I was raised to be proud of where you come from and to celebrate your authentic origin story.  

After a big sip of my cocktail and a clearing of my throat, I was able to offer them a bit of “education”.  We are all still friends but suffice to say that in the middle of the heated discussion, onlookers weren’t so sure we would be.

I have very fond memories of my childhood.  The shop owners literally watched us grow up, looked after us as we became teenagers and the loving families raised sons and daughters who now have distinctions in medicine, the law, business, art, culture and government.  The neighborhood was not perfect but none are - it’s just that some hide their challenges better than others.

What makes a good neighborhood? More importantly, who gets to decide?

I think it’s important that we do, that we define and describe our neighborhoods as “good or great” and defend them when people say negative things about them.

I also think that for those of us who have “made it” (whatever that means) we should tell the world that you too are from that neighborhood.

And, while I’ve been around the world, relocated and lived in different places you should know…

respectfully, I’m from Laurelton.

Where are you from?


Leilani M. Brown

Founder & CEO